We have created a masterclass podcast that provides entrepreneurial insights into improving yourself, your decisions, and your leadership.

Once a month, we will publish a deep dive into a growth area. The topics we'll cover include:

  • Personal development and transformation, e.g., habits, learning, wellness

  • Better thinking and decision-making, e.g., mental models, critical thinking

  • Transformational leadership, e.g., managing people, strategic vision

  • Entrepreneurship, e.g., Lean Startup, growth marketing, product marketing

Each show will include wisdom from diverse superstars, entrepreneurs, and authors. Practical frameworks and templates will accompany this comprehensive collection of ideas so you can jump into action.

“You must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work … You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success.”
— Chef Jiro

Introduction to the Moonshots Master Series


[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the moonshots master series. Yes, you are joining us for the introduction of a brand new show I'm your co-host, Mike Parsons. And as always, I'm joined by the master himself, Mr Mark Pearson Freeland. 

Hey, good morning, master Mike Parsons. Today's a pretty exciting moment for us, isn't it?

This is something brand new for not only our listeners but for you and. I know. We're going to keep trucking on the classic moonshots podcast, but boy, mark, we have a whole new show format ready for all of our listeners. I am so delighted to do this after 128 episodes of the moonshots podcast, we now have the moonshot master series.

And after doing all those shows, after all that observing, going deep into some amazing people [00:01:00] the Michael Jordans, Christine God, Michelle Obama, Elon Musk, no matter who we went to. We started to see a bit of a pattern, didn't we? Yeah. It's been delightful. As you say, it's been surprising for me and possibly for our listeners with how much connection there appears to be between whether you're a superstar, Hollywood actor, like McConaughey, whether your podcasts are like Joe Rogan or whether you are a huge European central bank.

Like Christine Lagarde. There's something that connects all of them. Isn't there Mike, something that grounds them all to be their best version of themselves that I think we can learn from? Yeah. We started this just wanting to learn out loud from these amazing, the superstar's thinkers and entrepreneurs, but the surprise for us was how [00:02:00] their thinking and behaviours correlated and.

I think we can firmly say that. I think we've discovered the secret sauce. Haven't we've seen such a strong pattern and it organizes itself like this, no matter who we get and study on the show and learn from the, there are three areas that they tend to Excel in. It's personal transformation.

Problem solving and decision-making, so it's a, kind of a way of saying how they think. And the third bucket is about leadership and collaboration and communication. So those are the three big buckets, personal transformation problem-solving and decision-making and leadership so differently. How you might improve yourself, your thinking and how you lead.

Isn't it just so exciting that how that pattern has revealed itself to as much. Yeah. Those three elements. [00:03:00] Intrinsic DNA modules, don't they? How I'm going to improve the way that I work, whether it's in business or family. The way that I think is intrinsic to all of us, it matters so much with how we respond to the world, how we interpret the actions of others, how we go out and make those decisions that matter to us.

And the leadership is again relevant, whether. Leading a huge big team across a global region, or whether it's just taking leadership over your family or your friends or a small team, those three parts they transcend all of these different sectors. Don't they? I think that's, what's been really surprising.

 Totally. So there you have it. That's why we've created the moonshot master series and we've got a revolutionary way of doing the show. We're totally flipping things up, aren't we? Yeah, what's really fascinating. As we dig into those entrepreneurs, thinkers and [00:04:00] innovators, and we realized that this thin line existed across all of them.

We asked ourselves, okay. Let's step back and think about that leadership about that way of thinking and the improvement of ourselves. And let's just start there, Mike, let's start with what those big subject areas are and build on from there. Yeah. Now here's the interesting thing. We've talked about this really broad collection of people that we've studied and how we can always seem to tie them together.

I think you might be listening to this introduction show and thinking to this. I do believe this. I think we might display two clips from totally different shows that speak to the same essential truth. So listen to them. What I want you to imagine is your working on yourself. You want to transform yourself.

And one of the key things to that is motivated. And boy mark, did we have [00:05:00] a bevy of great motivators that we studied on the show? We've had so many believable characters, Mike, but two particular individuals have really stood out to us as well as our listeners. Haven't. Th they have. So I think we might display two quick clips just to demonstrate the moonshots model and that's, what's going to be the basis of the master series show.

We're going to actually pull it all together, wildly different people, how they think, how they behave. And we're going to give you the tools to do it yourself. So this is going to be really deep, powerful work. So to start it off, Undoubtedly a lady full of power, full of presence. And her name is lady Gaga.

So let's listen to her and where she finds the motivation from when. I just have such a love and affinity for show business.

I just always felt things. That's what my first album was really about is that fame comes from within [00:06:00] inside of you. And it's not something that you obtain. And I still feel that way in a lot of ways. I like to know that I can define my fame and define my beauty for myself, which is why I'm saying.

Vigilant and relentless about my image and my music is I will not allow no matter how successful I become for the public to define or indicate what it is I create or what it is that I believe is beautiful or what I believe is a hit pop record. That's who I am. And I will always be that way, but let listen, fearless and vicious.

So good, Mike. This is a clip from episode nine only. You can believe it. Oh my gosh, lady Gaga bodies. And they a fantastic illustration of what motivates lady Gaga to guard and be a most creative or most confident and most [00:07:00] readily. When she's working. Yeah. Very powerful. On the surface of it, you just get fired up listening to her.

But actually if you dig into that it from within that's where she finds it. And that's the power of her approach to getting motivated, to finding her energy. But I'll tell you someone who may on the outside look totally different, but has a lot of energy on the inside too. And that's David Goggins, man.

Yeah. Yeah. And this next clip that we're going to compare this concept of motivation too is a clip from our David Goggins show where he's telling us about his unfair advantage.

People hear my story. If it gets guys to distant, I realize how the brain works. I figured out how the brain works. I'm a scared kid and that's what gives me so much power. I had no foundation and I built this off of just [00:08:00] researching. The feeling you get is basically invincibility. You realize that you can't do it all the time when you need to do it.

I know I can go to a place. That I can live in. And when you know that you can run on broken legs and you can do certain things that a lot of people can do, but they're not willing to do this power, the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight, and you're fighting. It gives you this charge of energy of when you're sitting there at 3 30, 4 o'clock in the morning and your duct tape on your feet up because they're broken and you're doing.

Yourself. And you're going through arguably, one of the hardest training in the world and these guys, most of them are healthy and you're going through a broken and you're already at a disadvantage, but you're still there. [00:09:00] You can feed into that and tap into that for a lot of power. But if you look at it while I'm broken, man, I'm not gonna make it.

But if you look at it as man I'm broken and I'm still here, I'm fighting and I'm gonna find a way to. Because I have no other place to go. It gives you a lot of power. When things start to suck really bad. My brain in a lot of people's brain though they don't go to your dad, beating you up.

Your brain says, we ate out of here. This is miserable. So anger goes away a lot of times when you're suffering, because your brain that says we gotta run, we gotta go. So that anger. We end up saying, oh, I'm going to show them. I'm going to show you. Is people know there has to be a much deeper do I say deeper?

It has to be down to mineral soil. It has to be [00:10:00] down to that nice mineral soil where nothing can burn you. Can't burn dirt. So it has to be down that low. That literally is up menu. That's at the core of your soul. And but you don't find it unless you spend a lot of time with what you want to be in life.

I can't give that to you, right? You can't get it to somebody. When you find your true passion in life, in my passion for me, when all I want to be now, I can give a Navy seals, army round, give a shit. I want to serve my country. I cared about . I think we're a gym workout podcasts. Get out there and go and lift some weights or go for a broken.

Oh, how interested is the ma when you listened to that, they were both, there was fire burning from within, in both of them, lady Gaga and David Goggins alike, [00:11:00] right? It's pure, it's purely a demonstration that both of them in their own personal way, their own different upbringings, their own different exposure to life and challenges and obstacles.

Both of them are clearly relentless. They'll both go after that. Finish line, whatever it might be, whether it's creating a piece of creative art, a song, or whether it's pushing himself to the edge of his capabilities to find out where that is. Both of those are just pure in my mind, a kind of motivational elements that kind of get me fired up, but also show me how personal a lot of this work.

Absolutely. And so when you get to enjoy our first episode is going to be a full hour long episode where we're going to play clips from all sorts of different people around one universal theme, whether it's making yourself better, your thinking better or helping you be a better [00:12:00] leader, and you will also get.

Worksheets and frameworks, which are only for moonshot master series subscribers. And in this case you would have a framework. There's many different motivational frameworks that you can use, but really there was a formula. And what we heard that there was purpose from Gaga and Goggins, they were explaining how they use their intrinsic motivations, that extrinsic motivations, and it's like a hierarchy that leads to real rewards for them.

So we will give you a worksheet, so you can do this for yourself. So just imagine episode one, Goggins and Gaga, and many others talking about motivation and you will get to do it, your self. That is a master series, but it's not just, we just talked about Goggins and Gaga, mark. We've got these three big buckets.

You know how you transform yourself. [00:13:00] You're thinking in your leadership, these three big areas that we're going to focus on. We've already got 68 shows planned because we've just got so much content from the moonshots podcast, but there's some other examples that we can share just to demonstrate some of this thinking.

Isn't it? Yeah, there is if the personal transformation is all about improving. Your self yourself, the other two elements of thinking leadership. Mike, come into this problem, solving decision making with characters. Look, people that need no introduction, right? People like Elon Musk or Peter teal, both of whom, as we know, shared a lot of background in PayPal, but both of whom have huge.

Fundamental frameworks that I think we can emulate in a problem solving. And decision-making those guys are both very good at first principle thinking and like a first principle and that thinking that they use is where if you boil things down to a fundamental [00:14:00] set of trues, that don't change over time.

 Those are like second and third factors. The things that kind of change on context, first principles are like, we need to breathe. That's our first principle, but there's this whole thinking around how to do apply first principles and Musk and teal are amazing. And once they apply their first principles, they've been able to achieve ridiculous success.

 Peter teal first investor in Facebook, founder of PayPal. Also was it PayPal, but Hey, has a little company code Tesla. So it's amazing. We're now able to collect all these people together, who just focus on one thing. So when you want to learn that one thing, you can come to the moonshots master series and go deep.

Cause we're not only doing a show, we're doing the worksheets, the frameworks and the models. So you are going to be giving, given everything. You need to be the best version of [00:15:00] yourself in that particular area. So we've talked a bit about motivation. And first principles that's like improving yourself in your thinking, or also got some leadership stuff, right?

That, yeah, there is this concept of leadership exist across every single part of business, as well as life. Doesn't it, Mike? And one of the key things were themes that came up within our leadership series, as well as other individuals that we've covered is teamwork. And teamwork can be broken down in a number of different ways and you can approach it from a.

As cerebral element like authors like Patrick Lencioni. And we did a great series of that I personally really enjoyed, but you can take it one step further by reflecting on somebody like Michael Jordan in the basketball space. Remember those lessons and those bits of inspiration that Jordan was giving us when it comes to going out, being the best version of yourself, but having the support of your team.

Yeah I got a lot of time for John. [00:16:00] Maybe he he could also go into our motivation series as well, because he was a pretty motivated guy, but here's the interesting thing around leadership that ties Lensioni and Jordan together Lensioni has this thought that teamwork remains the ultimate competitive advantage.

 Not only because teamwork is so powerful, but it's actually very rare. Now. What's fascinating is that when you look at Jordan, he said talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. And the interesting thing for him is he failed in his first two seasons in the NBA. He was not the number one draft.

He he failed in the first isn't that didn't win the champion. Then he went on to win six championships. Now here's the point. He credits Phil direction, teaching him to pass the ball to [00:17:00] his teammates was the key thing that happened before the third season. And that's when they started to win. And if any of you have seen the last dance.

There is the six championship there about during the last game. And it's very tight against Utah and it was not Jordan who made the shot to determine the game. He passed it to his teammate. Steve Kerr, who is now the coach of the golden state warriors. And he made the shot. Set the destination of the game, the victory dare six championship.

On course it was not Jordan. Jordan only passed it. Isn't that a great demonstration of leadership coming through respect for your team. Big time. Now the other interesting thing is we don't only have people from Professional work-related [00:18:00] endeavors, but we also have sportsmen. I think the other interesting thing, mark is we have got some brand new thinkers, let's say.

The most, I think James clear who would be in our personal transformation series. He's work on habits has been massive and he's certainly a new powerhouse, but we've also got some real timeless classic style thinkers, like Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia. Really big on purpose, right? Echo, toll mindfulness.

We're able to spend generations with these master series. Aren't we? Yeah. You can span decades. Again, it's. Concept of applying timeless advice into a more modern setting. Isn't it? So check this out under the thinking better. We've got some real classics. Wait for these two [00:19:00] heavyweights, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

 It doesn't get any more heavy duty, but we also have like contemporary great writers like Dan Arielli. We've got people like Dwight Eisenhower bill gates, Peter till Yes. I mean it spans generations, right? Almost millennia. Yeah. This is what gets me going when we do stumble upon a similar insight or way of thinking or theme across our different innovators, entrepreneurs, and superstars, and being able to look back.

 Classic history like we did with the Ryan holiday series, but even more modern and individuals that maybe haven't been covered. So well, for example, the Newtons I'm excited to dig into them and see how they are connected to a lot of the more Monday ones as well. And we talked about leadership, so we've got Phil Jackson, the coach of the Chicago bulls.

 We're going to cover him, but [00:20:00] also you want to talk about some real classes. Alexander Graham bell and handily forward. We are going everywhere up, down left and I can't wait telling travelers time travelers, we're going onto our moon Mike. And we're going through the discovery of history to see how everybody's connected into galactic.

We're sailing past the moon. We're chasing Musk all the way to Mars and beyond. All right. So we should probably explain to everyone how the moonshot master series is going to work. Yeah, it's going to be available for those who have. Followed us and subscribed to us. Mike it's a little bit different to what our current listeners are going to be used to.

 It's not going to be available on the Spotify and the apple podcast, but to be clear, we're still going to have our weekly moonshot episode going live on we, Mike, that's still going out. Yep. Yep. This is this is bonus material right here. Mark. This is bonus [00:21:00] material and launching in June, 2020. Via, you'll be able to click and become a member of moonshots.

And if you follow the link, so www, you're able to join us and select a membership level to follow us and receive a bonus paid for. EV every month, every single month, Mike, in addition to the four episodes or so that already going out, I know. And so this is a huge push from us to now really turbocharge launch you into the stratosphere and way beyond.

So if you think about this, you will get the regular show where we study one individual, one superstar. But you will also have the chance to become a member and support the moonshots podcast and open up our master series. For those of you that choose to support us financially, we will provide to [00:22:00] you one master series every single month, going into all sorts of good topics that will help you improve yourself, your thinking and your.

Leadership. So mark one last time, where does everyone need to go? If they want to get hold of the first master series, the master series is available via Navigate to the members section and fill out and follow on a membership level via. There, you have it, everybody that is an introduction to our master series.

Marquis still feeling adrenalized after a bit of Gaga and Goggins. I just, I'm so excited to begin this new offshoot of moonshots Mike, because these themes are so exciting for us and our listeners as we, we learn our loud each week, but to really give them a little bit more due diligence and break it down by themes, I can't wait to get to.

Me too. Me too. All right, mark. Thanks for joining me [00:23:00] in really. We just, this is like we had a baby together. This is the moonshot masters series. Totally new. It has begun. It's super exciting. And thank you to you. All of our listeners. We really do invite you to come and be a part of the moonshot master series because we think it's going to be the ultimate accelerant to getting you to being the.

Version of yourselves because mark and I were just learning out loud with you guys, but we think we've got a thing or two that we've learned and we really are so glad to have the chance to share it with you. All right. So that is it for the moonshot master series. That's a wrap.