Masters series:



Hello listeners! In our first Moonshots Master episode, we are diving into MOTIVATION.

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We revisit some of our most popular superstars who have harnessed the power of motivation to their success, including David Goggins, Lady Gaga and Gary Vee.

As we explore models and frameworks that help us understand what drives us, we explore the Self-Determination Theory , and Daniel Pink’s secret to motivation. We get inspired by scientific journals such as Ryan & Deci’s Intrinsic Motivation so we can harness the concept that motivation is a drive we all have power over if we choose to take ownership.

Lastly, we look to the future and determine how we can make motivation a habit we exercise each day, with James Clear and Jordan Peterson.


Hello and welcome to the moonshots master series. It's episode zero one. That's right. The very first one. I'm your co-host Mike Parsons. And as always I'm joined by a rather motivated guy. Mark Pearson Freeland. Good morning, mark. Hey, good morning, Mike. What an exciting journey that you and I and our  subscribers on Patriot on are about to begin today, right?

It's crazy for all of our members, the moon shutters, we are kicking off a brand new series. It's the master series of moonshots. We're going to still do the moonshots podcast every single week. But for those of you that are members, you're getting a brand new additional show that we're going to publish every single month.

And mark, where are we starting this journey today, listeners and members. We are digging into the concept of motivation. Motivation is clearly [00:01:00] an a DNA. You have a lot of the moonshot is that we cover on the show. And after all these amounts of lessons and insights from these individuals, Mike, I feel like we've got.

Solid grasp on the sort of DNA of motivation. Don't we? I totally agree. I think that we're well over a hundred episodes of moonshots, and that gives us the ability to kind of pull together a complete body of work, a complete guide to motivation, a complete playbook for motivation. So that's, what's in store for you today, listeners.

We've got some amazing people. We've got the 3g. We've got David Goggins, lady Gaga and Gary V. But we're going to go a lot deeper than that into motivation. We're going to go into the self-determination theory. We're going to study the work of Daniel pink and to round it out, we are going to somehow miraculously combine two, three different guys, Jordan Peterson and James clear.

But [00:02:00] what is for sure is that you will have a complete body of work. You will be ready to put motivation as a daily practice for you to work on it and get 1% better every single day. That is the promise that we have for you. Listeners. We've studied so many amazing people were ready to turn it all around and put it into a complete body of work for you today.

Mark motivation. What an appropriate place to say. If you're going to be the best version of yourself, if you're going to do it. To push yourself. I think there's no other place to start other than motivation, right. Or it's sometimes was the hardest thing to refer back to. Isn't it, you know, you begin maybe a new project or a product, or you start a new job, or maybe it's a family, whatever it is, you go into these different adventures in life.

And sometimes you, you run into moments when you either question your decision or maybe you [00:03:00] question even getting out of bed, you know, something, maybe it's raining and you're wondering whether you can get up and go for a run or not motivation is that intrinsic thing that drives us all of us. All of us might be motivated in different ways, of course, but hopefully today, as we dig into the science and the foundational elements of motivation, I think something that you and I, as well as our members will be able to understand is there's a, there's a thin line that connects all of us.

And once you start to understand what motivates you, you can then almost dare I say, control that motivation, right? You can control how you react and how you are inspired in certain moments of your days. So therefore you go out and be the best version of yourself. That's so true. And I think that  what's so exciting is we've got such a range of  You know, fearless, amazing people, smart people that we've [00:04:00] studied for you as listeners to pull it all together in motivation.

And the first chapter of our journey is we're going to study people that are the embodiments of motivation. We've got three really distinct points of view on motivation. And I want you to think of this.  The start of the show is the river. This is the, this is the coach talk in the locker room before the big game.

This is going to be three big ideas coming up over the next part of the show where we can return to the essence of getting started every day, where we can return to, to be the very best version of yourself. So if you're feeling a little bit flat, there is nobody better. Then starting with Mr. David Goggins.

So let's dive into his point of view on motivation. Let's listen to the idea of not giving up. People hear my story and think gets guys to distance. [00:05:00] I realized how the, how the brain works. I figured out how the brain works. I'm a scared kid and that's what gives me so much power. I had no foundation and I built this off of just researching the mind.

The feeling you get is basically invincibility. You realize that you can't do it all the time when you need to do it. I know I can go to a place. That I can live in. And when you know that you can run on broken legs and you can do certain things that a lot of people can do, but they're not willing to do this power, the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight, and you're fighting.

It gives you this charge of energy. When you're sitting there at 3 30, 4 o'clock in the morning and your duct tape on your feet up because right broken. [00:06:00] And you're doing it by yourself. And you're going through arguably, one of the hardest training in the world and these guys, most of them are healthy and you're going through a broken and you're already at a disadvantage, but you're still there.

You can feed into that and tap into that for a lot of power. But if you look at it while I'm broken, man, I'm not gonna make it. But if you look at it as man I'm broken and I'm still here now fighting, I'm going to find a way to get through this because I have no other place to go. It gives you a lot of power.

When things start to suck really, really bad. My brain in a lot of people's brain, don't they, they don't go to your dad, beating you up. Your brain says we ain't get out of here. This is miserable. So anger goes away a lot of times when you're suffering, because your brain that says we gotta run, we gotta [00:07:00] go.

So that anger is not popping up saying, oh, I'm going to show them, I'm going to show you those people. No, there has to be a much deeper do I say deeper? It has to be down to mineral mineral soil. It has to be down to that nice mineral soil where nothing can burn burn. You can't burn dirt. So it has to be down that low.

That literally is something in you. That's at the core of your soul. And, but you, but you don't find it unless you spend a lot of time with what you want to be in life. You, I can't give that to you. Right? You can't give it to somebody when you find your true passion in life. And my passion for me when like, oh, I want to be a Navy seals, army round, give a shit.

I want to serve my country. I cared about, I want to be someone that I'm proud of. I mean, talk about drilling motivation down into [00:08:00] those foundational elements, right? I mean, Goggins even references this mineral level idea of  but  look, I think we need to put him into context before we break it down.

Why does David Goggins have the, the right, the permission  to challenge us like that? Well, he grew up, he had a terrible childhood poverty, prejudice, physical abuse, but then. Overcame all of his faults. He was big guy, very overweight, and he became the only man in history to complete training as a Navy seal army ranger and air force.

Tactical air controller. He was voted the fittest man in America. [00:09:00] This is why he has the permission. Isn't it much? Well, I mean, we dug into his book. Connor hurt me in episode 94. Didn't we Mike. And I remember he's just actually been one of our go-to guys when we're thinking about personal transformation, because he really did that.

He managed to drive himself into those three categories, as you've just said, you know, the army, the Navy, and so on that nobody else has ever done. So when we're thinking about motivation, we're thinking about personal drive sources of energy. He's the guy that we've got to stop because he's really demonstrated this mind over matter.

You know, he was able to maybe compartmentalize that, that breakdown of, oh, I can't do this. It hurts. So no thanks. I want to fly away from this. And instead he can get past obesity. He had a congenital heart defect as well as asthma, and he was able to get past those. And I'd argue, Mike, maybe through a [00:10:00] motivational or a mindset orientated around motivation once he'd broken it down into that DNA and was able to master his mind and where he does it.

There's a pivot that he mentions in that clip that I want to call out is where he says I'm broken, but I'm still here. And that is a win. And I think this is really important for us to point out because a lot of people look at themselves and say, oh, I failed at this. I didn't do that. I should give up.

What he does is he moves to a more primary level and says, yeah, I'm broken, I'm hurting. Maybe I've failed. But the victim is that I have survived. I'm still in the game. He says, there's still time on the clock. And that means that I'm still on the field I'm playing. And [00:11:00] that's the start of his motivation.

This is that mineral level, that dirt level that he talks about. If we can intercept ourselves, when we say I'm broken and I'm hurting and I should give up and turn it into, I am broken and I'm hurting and I'm still here. I'm still in the game. Me, this is the most primary motivational practice you can do.

If you can avoid victimization. You know this idea of self victimizing. Oh, . And we all do it. It's the ego speaking. But if you can just have the fortitude and the mental model, if you can train yourself to say, yeah, I'm hurting, but I'm still in the game. This is one of the most powerful mental models don't quit.

Don't give up. Don't, don't give into the pain push [00:12:00] on beep that you're still in the game. In fact, to do a complete tangent. One of our other great shows that we did was on Paul Graham from Y Combinator. Yeah. And he says for a startup, survival is success because so many startups fail. So we can see this pattern.

If we can just open our us to the idea that we're here. If you wake up every morning, God damn I'm awake when number one, that is tick that box. We are on the way we got momentum. Let's go, let's go right. Cold shower. Let's do this. Exactly. I think this to me is the most powerful thing. Don't fall for the victimization.

So yeah, I'm hurting. I ain't going so great, but I'm still here. Sorry. I mean for me, one of the pieces that stood out was actually the very start of the [00:13:00] club when he's referencing invincibility and, you know, being able to go to his inner place of, of energy and a place that he can live in in order to be motivated.

I think that's quite reassuring for me when I think about motivation, as you just said. Yeah. Sometimes we'll all struggle. Maybe we'll fall into the camp of, oh, poor me or all fall into the camp of, no, I don't want to have to go and do this. I don't have that fire within me. I don't think invincibility can come overnight.

And as we'll talk about today, we're going to dig into lots of different elements of the drive and the science behind motivation, but it'll be interesting to get to a point of, okay, well, how can I build on this? Maybe? How can I start to get that little bit more invincible? And that's what I'm looking forward to going on this journey with our listeners.

Totally agree. And what's so fascinating about Goggins is you can see the work that he is doing to look within. And what is amazing about the moonshots podcast is we found [00:14:00] exactly the same pattern in somebody who is completely different and that's lady Gaga. So let's have a listen to her, talking about being relentless and feeling.

I just have such a love and affinity for show business

I just always felt thymus. That's what my first album was really about is that fame comes from within inside of you. And it's not something that you obtain. And I still feel that way in a lot of ways. I like to know that I can define my fame and define my beauty for myself, which is why I'm saying.

Vigilant and relentless about my image and my music is I will not allow no matter how successful I become for the public to define or indicate what it is I create or what it is that I believe is beautiful, or what I believe is a hit pop record. That's who I am. And I will, I will always be that way, but let listen, fearless and vicious.