
live from Bucharest - IOAn Iacob

Unknown 0:09

Hello, and welcome to the moon shots podcast.

Unknown 0:12

It's Episode 27. I'm your co host, Mike Parsons. And as always, I'm joined by the man with the plan. Mr. Chad own in New York. I'm a little sad man, we're coming to the end of our moonshots live from Bucharest series I know, but it's sort of, kind of, it's so epic. It's like, good to wrap it up. Because we've, we've already had three great entrepreneurs, design thinkers, inspiration is by we've got a big one left. And I can't wait to get into into this show. Because you know what the funny thing is, I've known this entrepreneur for many, many years. And yet, he had never shared this idea with me. So it was a huge personal revelation for me, and I hope it really use for everyone listening to the show.

Unknown 1:04

Yeah, we have one of the co founders of quality runs the innovation and Tech Shop in in Romania. He won Jakub and the insight that you're alluding to Mike is this idea that risk isn't as risky as we think it is.

Unknown 1:23

I know. And it's crazy, because it's so powerful as an idea, like rethinking risk and not living in fear of it, but also the fact that you're in complete control of it. So there are many things in life that we cannot control. But how you perceive things and how you react to things is something that we will have complete control over. And what he told us is, you can rethink risk. And that's why he started 10 years ago, in an apartment. In fact, in a compact if, if the mythology is right now, and, you know, now he has over 200 stuff. He's doing business with Silicon Valley startups, the biggest bank in Romania, the biggest energy company in Romania. It's amazing to think in 10 years, he's done that. And this idea of rethinking risk is at the heart of these success.

Unknown 2:14

Yeah. And, and I think he runs attitude about the whole thing was just was great. You know, he's, he's a good storyteller and has this I don't want to say, brash, but just like, no nonsense way about him. That's kind of, you know, interesting and refreshing to hear from, you know, a founder that has his experience of over 10 years, you know, I, myself have been running my company for 10 years, but my path and trajectory has been very different from his. So it was really cool to get to sit down with him and dig into the Genesis story and what he's learned over the past 10 years. I think

Unknown 2:47

this idea of risk is so important, because it often stops potential entrepreneurs, even trying to make their idea come alive. People, basically, they get stuck, just dreaming about something and never do it. So when you're thinking about some of the other ideas that we got from the book, I showed, just do it, don't give up if you want to go at the beginning of this chain reaction, getting over the fear of risk and just having a go. I think this is like the central point to launching an entrepreneurial life. And that's why I think this show is so important. So this idea of, you know, rethink risk, just go out and do it and don't give up sort of ties everything very nicely together. So, I tell you what, let's get into our interview from Bucharest, the live show with none other than he, one

Unknown 3:45


Unknown 3:48

one Jaco. Come on, guys give it up.

Unknown 3:57

Okay. So we have a little bit of you know, in Silicon Valley, we talked about like founding stories and every startups go to like a founding story. I was walking along the street, or I was at the airport or my small company so that my client needed this thing. But we have some quality tons mythology, we just need to kind of clear up a little bit. And

Unknown 4:22

the thing I'm a little not clear on is quality and where exactly call attendance was started. I've heard different versions of this story. It was a it was in an apartment, it was in the lounge room of the apartment, or it was in the bedroom of the apartment. For some reason yesterday. I think I even may have heard someone say that started in the bathroom of the empowerment. I'm absolutely so do you think he could stop by like, where did this crazy dream when you started these 10 years? Where did it actually start in a parking lot in a

Unknown 4:52


Unknown 4:54

You're totally wrong. So

Unknown 4:56

no, actually, I was in a parking lot in a car with Rado co founder and friend for what, 25 years. Okay,

Unknown 5:05

where's the writer? Can you can you stand up as I can see, when you Come on, guys.

Unknown 5:15

So and those this whole thing, this, this entire buzz about technology and things are happening, and we didn't really have a clear idea. I mean, if I would talk to myself, 10 from 10 years ago, I would probably just smack myself over the head is like, get your shit together. Come on, like, you have really no clear idea what you want to do. Because we're like, yeah, like technology's changing the world. And we want to be part of that. Let's start a company. So that was pretty much the level of maturity that we had. And then it showed, because so I left my, my job at Adobe at the time. And, well, we did the website and we had no clients were like, Where's the clients? Nobody calling, like, we have her phone up on the website, what

Unknown 6:06

are you just sitting there watching the monitor, like with the inbox now, actually, we're working on the world, continuously improving the website, because there was nothing

Unknown 6:16

and he didn't, he didn't call any prospective customers, you just built the website and the website

Unknown 6:21

like we're famous, like, so,

Unknown 6:25

um, and then we, we, so this was all happening in reduce our CS office at the university and we said, Now we got to take lead on this, we got to do something. So we started hacking it and basically I was going to interviews and then when people are like, yeah, you're hired. I was like, Well, you know, it's not really me it's a company I'm going to be a consultant for us people like

Unknown 6:56

so I'm except IBM, except IBM, who is like, Well, okay, we were we really like to, so we're going to find some some way to to work. And this was surprising because, you know, IBM has had this image at least in our heads like this big and tangible giant mogul.

Unknown 7:15

So have we got two guys and a website and you convinces your first client IBM to get on board?

Unknown 7:23

Well, it didn't really convince

Unknown 7:26

the client to get on board, they really wanted to hire me. Okay. So, and we said, Yeah, but, you know, I'm working for this company. So, I'm going to be, you know, outsourced to you by this company. And they're like, Man, you know, that's complicated. procurement, procurement, procurement. Like if you want to, if you want to get it done, you get it, you know, it's complicated. There's this whole procure what can be complicated you, you take a contract and you sign on it, it's not that complicated. My God, the kid doesn't understand. So, I would say that the sheer power of not really understanding what's happening was what got us through right now. So you bumbled

Unknown 8:05

through it,

Unknown 8:06

you pretty much now, fast forward 10 years later we're sitting here and these beautiful offices looking over the Opera House of Bucharest Have you had much time to reflect and just think to yourself, this all started not in not even in an apartment in the parking lot. I'm glad I cleared that up. But it did start in the parking lot. And now look at where you find yourself working with clients both here and abroad. With all the this like, what do you what do you think about like, what thoughts go through your mind when you're like,

Unknown 8:40

Huh. And wow, this is crazy.

Unknown 8:42

Probably the first thing is that I have so much more to learn. Because when we started this as a, as I said, the sheer power of incompetence was like, yeah, it's simple. You just start a business, you get business to business. Like you get a lot of clients and things just happen. And it's definitely not that simple. But just that that underestimation was and kind of optimism was what got us through and looking at myself from 10 years ago, I realized that I learned a lot, a lot of things. And I learned a lot of things that I wasn't expecting guys should learn or could learn or need to learn. And I'm pretty much wondering what's what's coming up, what's coming next, what am I going to learn next? And what's what's going to be my next learning. So that that's pretty exciting. And

Unknown 9:30

how I'm I'm curious how you knew that you needed to build a team and how you went about building a team, because I know there's probably a lot of people here that have started a company just themselves or with the co founder, but maybe they're at the stage of like, okay, we kind of, we have a website, we kind of have this thing that maybe works and then they don't know when to take that next step and really build out the team. I'm kind of curious what that was like for you. And in the first couple of years equality.

Unknown 10:00


Unknown 10:02

the interesting thing is

Unknown 10:04

we so we always had this idea that we want to do something that's really outstanding. That's really extraordinary. So we took pretty much all of our savings like literally all of our savings and then our see a mortgaged his house in order to get some money. Yeah, and his his apartment. And then we got like, some loans from my parents. And we really decorated this will we set up this really nice office, and everybody was like, you guys are complete idiots. You should just have a shitty office for now. And then you, you know, as you get more business, but we had this idea, like, how can we get business if we have a Sydney office. And it's true, like one of our first employees whose emails we she's, you started working in reception, and she's now director of operations. And in I came in for an interview. And like, it looks so corporate, it looks so cool. Like, everything looked very much in place. Like I was convinced this is a huge office, there's some stuff behind those two doors. And behind those two doors that were leading out of the main room was just another room and a kitchen. So it wasn't really much. But we had we really branded this thing, and then we started getting a team together. How did you know to get

Unknown 11:29

the team together? Like, like,

Unknown 11:30

how did you shift

Unknown 11:32

from that? Okay, we've gone from the website to the nice office that how did you start doubling down, like how you able to do that, like, we're going to hire some people that must have felt like a huge move at the time,

Unknown 11:44

it really did. And we did all the possible mistakes that we we could possibly do. But I think there was this one thing. And actually speaking of resilience, and, you know, in 2007, when we started quality, there were really no investment mechanisms, you couldn't get, you know, investors and seed money and angel investors, and nobody would, would put any sort of money into that. So being very much restricted about get, we didn't have a lot, we didn't have a lot of room for error, right? So what happened was that we actually had to find a way to really get people that were good. And we couldn't afford sticking with people that were not right, for for too long, like we really could not afford it didn't have the money for

Unknown 12:36

that. So it was so fragile survival was in those early years. It was such a fine line. But it was almost like this constraint for sure. Well, we're going to need an 18 right now we're going to have to, like really get the best people because when traveling close to the

Unknown 12:51

edge, pretty much. Yeah, exactly. And then this, I think this this kind of stayed in within the company, because it just has this culture resilience and being very, very careful about resources and managing things in general. I think that was actually a very some something that really made us stronger, and created a nugget of culture that was super helpful later on.

Unknown 13:17

Yeah, aside from a kind of fake fancy office at the beginning, what what kinds of things did you do to get your first big clients because I'm sure it was pretty much you get a new client and then maybe you can hire someone because, you know, you get the first invoice that's paid, and then you're like, Okay, now I can now I can add someone to the payroll, what what kinds of activities and techniques Did you have both you and RC like in finding those first

Unknown 13:44

clients for the first years, it was very much about taking care of for the first year was very much about taking care of the core business, which was, which was pretty much outsourcing back then. And then in 2011, 2012

Unknown 14:00

we met wrote a chorus. And we told him about how excited we are about technology and our vision, vision of the future of technology. You know, it's changing the world, and we want to build it and say, Well, what better what better place to do that? And then Silicon Valley was like, Yeah, you're right. So why are you not, why are you not in Silicon Valley? And like, how can we be in Silicon Valley? So I don't know, come to my place. And, you know, I'm 20 miles away from Silicon Valley. And you can see, so that's what we did we

Unknown 14:31

say, so you may recall this. He says, if you want to be serious about tech, you got to be in the valley. Yeah. And he convinced you to get

Unknown 14:40

well, he Yeah, yeah, he offered me me said, you can stay at my place for a bit.

Unknown 14:48

And you know, you everything else, you, you need to sort out yourself. And now, what were you

Unknown 14:54

thinking at the time we like, just go for a week or two? I don't know, like, this gives us a sense of what that moment was, you've got on the plane, you've got this long flight, like, What are you thinking? Like, is it just the holiday? Or were you like, we are going to do this, like, help us. And

Unknown 15:09

it was it was always, of course, we are going to do this but kind of the same manifestation of complete ignorance, because I had no idea how are we going to do this? We're just like, yeah, we're going

Unknown 15:18

I don't know what, nonetheless, you went out there, you went to Silicon Valley? When did you know from that journey, that something was starting to click for the company? When did you know that going beyond just thinking of yourselves only here in Bucharest, but thinking of yourselves in such a big way? Like, when did you know you'd finally done that? Because business now is more than half of the business that can be does is international. But when When was the first time you were like you had the validation of Hey, this is something so

Unknown 15:53

first of all, the first two weeks were horrible, and I was just getting no business and like zero leads. It was terrible. So I'm talking to Toronto Toronto chorus. And it's like, okay, so how's it going, like, horrible and said that, that doesn't make any sense. Because you you guys, your programming firm in software development, and the valley needs a lot of software development, how can you not be selling? You know, it's like not being able to sell water in the desert? Like, how are you not selling software development in the valley? So, I don't know managers. It's not working. So, okay. So, okay, let's, let's role play. Let's play. So how do you when you meet someone, would you like, you know, I tell him about my company and told you did was like, What do you mean? How do I do it and say, Hi, I'm Rob. Do you know in high me one. So you want what do you do? And it was I was doing exactly this, you know, we have a company and

Unknown 16:54

so what is this lame shit. Like, you gotta clean up your admin, you can, you can do this. This is this is horrible. Of course, nobody wants to give you any business. You're not inspiring. Any, any sort of trust, like, How am I supposed to do and, you know, to make a small parenthesis here. So, it's this entire Romanian culture of, you have to be humble, have to be very humble. You can, you can boast like other people need to discover your value can be upfront about what you know, to do. And, and this was the the kind of narrative that I was playing too. And I found out very soon that it's just not working. Okay, so,

Unknown 17:36

so fast forward. You're working today with a large organization with offices around the world with large clients with the coolest of

Unknown 17:48

startups in San Francisco building. Really cool tech.

Unknown 17:51

Yes. Yes. Plenty of news to come there. But how did you muster the courage? How did you master the resilience to expose yourself? Because let's be honest, guys, if you're like, Can you imagine going all the way to Silicon Valley from Bucharest having weeks of bad introductions and still getting up in the morning? Good? Like, how did you do that as an individual? Where what internal Energizer battery what feel? Did you look for what what got you across the line to be resilient to stick to it to just doing and how many knows were there before you got your first? Yes. And I'm curious who your first yes was.

Unknown 18:33

So our first yes was robbed neivert who's actually right now he's, he's also an advisor. And these venture partner 500 startups. He was the CEO of a company back then. But before Rob, I think there were maybe hundred nose. Okay, literally, potatoes. So.

Unknown 18:50

So who here? Let's be honest here. If you got to, like 50 or 60 knows, you might have like, you know what, I might not take any more meetings. I'll just go do some sightseeing. it. I think you're right. You would probably I don't think this is going away. Half tell us like what's the secret man? How

Unknown 19:08

did you keep going? So there's two things. First of all, I was I was trying to learn from from everything. I was like, Okay, so this one I fucked up. But what did I do? Right? What did I do wrong? And I was kind of thinking about it in these terms. And I was trying to analyze and, you know, I had the feeling that each one was getting a bit better, like the initial one were like, people didn't want to talk to me. And then the other ones you like, yeah, you're, you're kind of nice. But now. Okay. So that was a good progression. So it wasn't like, No, no, no, no, no, you know, there's this, this saying that. quitters never win. And winners never quit. But those who never win and never quit. or complete idiots.

Unknown 19:47

That was intense.

Unknown 19:49

Yeah. So

Unknown 19:50

I didn't want to quit.

Unknown 19:52

But I had to do something in order to get to that win. Right? So but how

Unknown 19:57

you gonna? I'm not gonna let you off this one. You went down? How did you do that? Like, how did you stick with it? Tell me you wake up in the money. Like and I met yesterday. That was what the 98th rejection? Yeah, cool. I'm going to go to that next sales. Maybe? Like, how do you do that?

Unknown 20:15

I just don't think in those terms, I just don't think about about failures like that. They they don't bring me down. I don't maybe I have some sort of disease. But I literally don't think like that, about things that failures like, sure I'm pissed for bed. But I'm like, Okay, well, let's get to the next one. And it's also it's this feeling that a, you know, the, the story of the guys that were getting off the boat when conquering a new land, and then they were burning the boats. That's kind of what I used to do to my and I still do to myself, because I don't know, look back, I don't know, look for a backup plan. Because the any time that you spend looking for backup plan is time that you don't put into finding a solution and finding the win. And maybe believe that, you know, in any conditions, you can get a win, you just need to find out how and all your energy should should go in that direction into finding the way not not in lamenting about what went bad and not into you know, finding the backup plan design

Unknown 21:15

growing sort of brew and sit in the past and and get stuck in which is a theme that we've heard a lot of you know Fred Smith from from FedEx was really like, you learn and you move on

Unknown 21:27

and what's what's at the end of the day, what's the worst thing that can happen? Like, seriously, what's the worst thing that that could happen? Like, I get a lot of rejections and we still had this a good business back home. And, you know, it's not like, I think people just over over emphasize this fear. And for me, it's very much you know, it's not about in, somebody told me this. And I was convinced until very recently that I'm a huge risk taker. And actually not, I'm not a huge mistakes taker, I'm like, the most risk adverse, I'm like a granny. Not seriously, I'm not a risk. I mean, our see is the risk taker between the two of us, I'm the granny but I mascot very well, because I look at it in very mathematical sort of terms, right. And it's this idea that, well, if you do something, and then Okay, it doesn't work out. And the next iteration, you improve that with 5%, right? by the time you've, you've tried that, you know, 100 times, 200 times, you've massively improved, like the initial thing. So it's, it's a mathematical thing. It's not about beliefs. And it's not about emotions. It's just a pure mathematical thing. It's just, it's improving, it's, it's going to get there somehow, you don't know how, but it will get there,

Unknown 22:47

right. And I'm sure that's the same math that Elena is just keep going, right? That's that resilience, I just have visions of Sebastian walking in the streets of these Romanian a good, and he's just keeps

Unknown 23:01


Unknown 23:03

And it's kept me going. And like,

Unknown 23:04

literally, and Chad will just keep going, as long as I'm

Unknown 23:09

bumped the table too much, right. So.

Unknown 23:11

But it's also very much about not just keeping on going and doing the same thing over and over again. I think it's about modifying something that I'm doing something different. test and test and learn. Yeah, continuous test and learn. And I love Magnus comment about prototype your life. I think this is basically what what you need to do all the time. Yeah, just test and learn, and test and learn,

Unknown 23:33

yeah. Particularly when the goalpost move so much like the game is changing so much what an assumption from, say, five years ago, could be totally redundant. Now, yeah. And one interesting thing to

Unknown 23:44

you call yourself not a risk taker, it kind of makes sense now, because as you said, you had the business here in Romania, that was kind of doing its thing. And you could get told no, forever, and you could still have your customers here in Romania, they were working. And Elena It sounded like you had your server business that allowed you and gave you that, that steady revenue, you know, to keep trying and failing at the beginning. And that's interesting to me to to, to have this a little bit of that stability to then branch out and take the risk so that you can be told no, so that you can fail.

Unknown 24:16

But even like, think, go think about it further. Let's say the business in Romania would have failed. Well, I still was an engineer, and a pretty fucking good one. So I would have gotten a job anywhere. So it's, you know, you really got to understand always, you're, you're, you know, in negotiations, they call it bad. Not the best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Let's call it bad w best alternative to winning, right? Well, what's the best alternative to winning? Well, we have the business in progress. Well, what if that fails? Well, I'm going to be an engineer. Well, what if I can be an engineer? Oh, I'll figure something out. Like, how bad can it be?

Unknown 24:55

Seriously. The other insight that's interesting is it the failing is not as bad as you think it is. The in your imagination is always worse.

Unknown 25:02

But and we have all these amazing stories. And Professor Don card is here is one of these. So if you want to take about people who really did some, something that looks a lot more like risks. Well, you can ask Professor Duncan is because he went to the US a little date him and his wife, they just landed there, and they had no job, no contacts, no friends, just, it was just them there and didn't know a lot of English for prayer had practiced English, you know, by himself, reading books and all that. And then six days later, he got he got a job. And then three months later, that company got boss and for everyone, and then pretty much the same name that the company got boss, he found another job. It's, you know, it's just not falling into the trap of despair, and going, Oh, my God, this is so terrible. that serves literally nothing, huh?

Unknown 26:00

One One last question before we unleash some more Romanian trees, not only on chat, but the audience. And so some wine and beer. And so some snacks. I want you to imagine that there are young men and women out there who are in the parking lot dreaming the dream, right, that they want to start a company they want to do something and make a difference in the world. With all the benefit of this hindsight, what what advice do you have for those young people that are looking to go out and make their dreams come true to have impact on the world? What's, what's your advice,

Unknown 26:39

it's really keeping the North Star for us, it was this thing that we want to use technology to change the world. And we want to be the people who are changing the world through technology. This was our North Star. So just keep a North Star. But then be very flexible about what's going to take you there. Because the truth is, any plan that you have in initially is going to isn't that's not going to be it by the end of the journey. It's not going to be so just, you know, try and get around it somehow. Just iterate just be agile. But keep the the focus in mind. have enough

Unknown 27:17

now keep the vision and keep the mission alive. That's good advice. Now a chat I'm I'm completely lost on allowed Romanian traits here. Before we send you out for our last round of insights. I think it's down to choice of two week. June. Do you remember which to treats? What are we aware yet? I want to try this one. This would be you can try this one. Okay. This would be the

Unknown 27:41


Unknown 27:43

Who did you check that out? Has he earned his snow white cake? Yeah. Okay. All right now, so we have heard some amazing topics for me, he won resilient resilience. having enough stock risk is not what it seems. I mean, these are perfect, perfect thoughts for anyone wishing to go out and do something amazing in the world, something 10 times better than what's on offer today. So whether you're at a big company, a little company, whether you have a dream to do something for yourself, if you want to design your life, there's been lots to learn. Oh, my gosh, he's taken the tree to watch out. So because you know that fine wine and beer and all sorts of Romanian treats are just around the corner. I'm sure we have lots of eager insight providers. I'm looking around Yes, the professor

Unknown 28:41


Unknown 28:42

I'm good friends with his parents. And you want

Unknown 28:47

did he did he did he pay back the

Unknown 28:49

IOU you one forgot to tell you that when he started the company, they were happy that he was a well paid engineer at Adobe unfortunate months. He didn't tell them that design

Unknown 29:04

is true. So when I did when

Unknown 29:06

I explained to them how well qualities is doing and how extraordinary project or they're shaking their hands, and he's going to do something crazy. Yeah,

Unknown 29:16

well, it was, you know, my parents, of course, and this is a parent's job, they need to worry, I would be worried about my kids. So it's like, Why put this burden on them? Like, it's, it's my thing. It's my burden. It's, I shouldn't burden them. I will tell them when the company is successful. So when the company is successful, I will tell him there were a lot of awkward dinners. And, you know, we're so hard stop at Adobe like you. Well, great, I guess. I mean, companies going great

Unknown 29:46

golf, working on lots of things.

Unknown 29:49

I didn't even know. Well, we are Adobe. Great. Yeah. Well, how about pass? Pass me the butterflies?

Unknown 29:55

All right. What are the insights? Do we have to

Unknown 29:58


Unknown 29:58


Unknown 29:59

Yeah, actually see

Unknown 30:00

this young gentleman over here. This is a bright engineering type actually.

Unknown 30:05

Hi. I am Chapin and I think I took back tonight idea that we as Romanian are not used to show and to show the world what we know and how we smart and I see this a lot in interviews. I asked the guys that are coming to work with us. What What did you do and you are very proud of. And most of the time they they have no idea what how many things they know I need to work with them to find out. Yeah.

Unknown 30:41

So they can do a lot more to be proud of the good things that they've done in the world. Right, and the contributions that they've made. Well, I think we've got lots of tips and suggestions from our guests. I want to go for one more,

Unknown 30:54

I feel

Unknown 30:54

that I can see that there's a young gentleman and a lady third row go through, etc. I'm feeling third row for center for throat yet these Yeah,

Unknown 31:04

there we go. Hello, my name is Lisa. First of all, I want to thank you for inviting us here and for sharing from your great experience. Thank you for calling.

Unknown 31:18

An idea that I appreciate that you

Unknown 31:23

pointed out. I think in the beginning that in order to do something really outstanding, you don't need to see the entire picture from the beginning. You just have to, to take the courage to have the courage to jump in and step by step to to follow one purpose. and

Unknown 31:45

flexible as john said, Just do it.

Unknown 31:47

Yeah. and analyze everything. Learn from each step from each opportunity for me to have threatened and just go in and follows purpose just to have a straight purpose where you want to to go. Thank you. Wow.

Unknown 32:07

Thank you.

Unknown 32:08

So ladies and gentlemen, we have heard about resilience, fortitude, I really love the idea that risk is not what it seems. I think that's great. Because I think to Sebastian point, I think a lot of people are sitting on dreams, but they never put them into action. And people can go out and test and learn and whether it's

Unknown 32:29

failed meetings, what was really inspiring. So at the end of it, you actually made a partnership and an agreement with somebody who's gone on to be a managing partner of one of the leading incubators in the world 500 startups and who's gone on to be an advisor of your company. And I think that's a great testimony to resilience and to like, getting out there and just doing it. Would you all please thank

Unknown 33:03

Wow, we got a lot to decompress

Unknown 33:06

on. Oh, my gosh, definitely. A theme of resilience, toughness, and just doing it. It's like a good Nike ad, isn't it? Yeah,

Unknown 33:15

I wanted to mention to everyone, we're gonna take everyone's interviews and turn them into a podcast. So everyone, please go to And you can find all of these amazing interviews and insights from you, the audience members, Mike and I will, I think do a little bit of summarization and decompression for each because we want to get to the to the food and drinks here shortly. But I just wanted to remind everyone to please check out the podcast episodes that will will come from each of our interviews here.

Unknown 33:48

Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, we really do want to thank you for being part of the show. This is our second live broadcast and Bucharest you've done yourselves proud tonight, you've inspired us to be inspired us to be strong to reimagine that risk is not what it seems. And to go out there, just do it to walk the streets to vote, maybe to try and win some votes, you know, to tough it out until Lehman Brothers and keep going to go out there and to design our lives and and to reimagine that life and businesses more than just in one place and to travel the world and to build something truly amazing a moonshot indeed. So I would like to. Thank you, Chad. Thank you. We have plenty more Bucharest ahead for you and

Unknown 34:36

I would have the treats either. The treats are amazing. I'm going to finish by practicing some Romanian so

Unknown 34:43

much homeschool Bucharest

Unknown 34:48

folks. That's it from us at the moon shots podcast. There's plenty of wine, food and drink. We're gonna play some tunes. Here.

Unknown 34:55

You are. very welcome to stay around to chat, to connect, and to enjoy this inspiring and uplifting moment and evening in Bucharest everyone. Thank you very much. And we'll see you again. Bye. Bye.

Unknown 35:10

Well, there you have it. Mike so many learnings from our live show in Bucharest I know

Unknown 35:17

so much to take out from that, I think I think it was it was really all about being not only resilient in terms of sticking with it being resilient in the way you think about risk, the way you design your life, not giving up. I think it was a really powerful and even for someone like me, who's been to Bucharest. So many times. There was a ton of learnings I I walk away feeling shop on resilience and hard work. I think it was a thoroughly enjoyable time there and Booker is how did you Chad? How did you think all of the things that we heard in Bucharest? How did that relate to the other shows we've done? Did you see some connection points?

Unknown 36:00

Oh, yeah. It was just really interesting for me to see and hear some really practical on the ground applications of many of the ideas that we've heard from entrepreneurs, you know, running hundred or $500 billion companies. But to sit there across from these Romanian innovators was really fun and, and refreshing. I personally can't wait to get back to Bucharest but also, you know, do another live show here. Maybe sometime. And in 2018.

Unknown 36:29

Oh, yeah. And it's interesting. Amsterdam. The theme was about collaboration and together, Bucharest was definitely about resilience. I just wonder what a Sydney or a New York show or San Francisco show what they would you know, the themes that would emerge from those

Unknown 36:48

those live shows. I'll spoil New York for like it would be hustle hustle for New York City. Without a

Unknown 36:55


Unknown 36:57

Fair enough. Fine. I think you're absolutely right. I can entirely Imagine that. Now. If you really liked this show, and you want to hear the other three entrepreneurs that we spoke to you can just go to moonshots pick up all of our shows. Not only from Bucharest you can if you go to our blog, you can see the live video from that show from the Amsterdam show. have perhaps. But there's plenty of other things we want you to do. What Chad? What do we need the audience to do it.

Unknown 37:26

But first, if you're not subscribed to the podcast, and your pod catcher. Please do so you can do so at moonshots but there's a new feature on the website. We've published our future episodes list. So we'd love to get your feedback not only on the immediate upcoming episodes, but you know, we want to hear from you who you would like us to do research on and unpack here on the moon shots podcast.

Unknown 37:52

Absolutely. And we've got point you want to keep up to date on this. And make sure you subscribe. Subscribe in iTunes, or via SoundCloud or wherever. Because we've got a ton of good shows coming up. We've got the founder of Canvas. We got the founder of Patagonia, the founders of Google. I mean, we got some great stuff. We've got a couple of special guests coming in to help us out yet. We got Patrick Hanlon and Brendan yell joining us so much to look forward to. But make sure you tell us what you want us to cover, because we'd happily oblige. So you can do all of

Unknown 38:30

Well, Mike, it goes without saying that I really enjoy doing the live shows with you. So again, you know, we've got to we've got to put together this Sydney or New York show

Unknown 38:42

sometime soon. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. So on that note, Chad, I want to thank you. I want to thank all of our listeners. It's been great having you on board for the journey so far, and there's plenty more to come. So take care. Everyone find and I think that brings us to the end of the show

Unknown 39:02

that surround Oh, but one more thing, Mike, I have to say moto mask. Bucharest you say that so well? You're so

Unknown 39:09

half Romanian. Alright, everyone.

Unknown 39:12

That's it from us. Take care and we'll see you on the next show.

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