Episode 154: Listener Favorite: We take inspiration from Admiral William H. McRaven and his best selling book, Make Your Bed. In 2014 he addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas, in a video which immediately went viral.
He shared 10 life lessons he had learned during his Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his long Naval career, but also throughout his life. In Make Your Bed, he builds on these principles by sharing inspiring tales from his own life and those around him in the military, explaining how anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves for the better.
Circle Of Influence
Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our fifth Moonshots Master episode, and here we are breaking down the CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE.
Opening up our minds to the concept, we get inspired by a series of motivational speakers, telling us to focus on you every day. We re-visit the very well-regarded Admiral William H. McRaven, who reminds us to start singing when we’re up to our necks in mud. We then hear from Robin Sharma, who reminds us to simply embrace confidence every day.
Now we’re all inspired, the next section helps us learn about the Circle of Influence, and who’s better to teach us than Stephen Covey himself. Mr Covey breaks down the Inner circle for proactive people (circle of influence), as well as the Outer circle for reactive people (circle of concern).
Now we understand the influence and mindset towards our circles, let’s work on how to make this reflection a part of our habit every day. We listen to Janis from Time Management, who has some actionable tips to stay focused. We also learn from Fearless Soul, and how we are responsible for who we agree to spend time with. Closing out the show, we hear again from Stephen Covey, who has some powerful mindset tips for us, encouraging us to remember that we can choose to carry your weather with us.
New Episode: William D Danko: The Millionaire Next Door
In The Millionaire Next Door, William D. Danko skews the myths about how (and where) most millionaires live, and what it takes to become one. Their extensive research identified the sometimes surprising characteristics and habits shared by many millionaires. For instance, millionaires are often bargain shoppers (they buy used cars and off-the-rack clothing), pay only a small percentage of their wealth in income taxes, and shun the lavish lifestyles we often associate with being rich.
The book explains how to determine what your net worth should be, according to your age and income, and how you can build wealth over time and become a millionaire—if you have the discipline.
The best books by Jocko Willink
We take a look at the best books by Jocko Willink on leadership, ownership and playing to win. Jocko Willink is an author and podcaster, a decorated retired United States Navy SEAL. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. He was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star for his service in the Iraq War. In 2010, he retired from the Navy and launched the Echelon Front firm together with Leif Babin, a fellow former SEAL.
Willink also hosts the Jocko podcast together with his friend and Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner, Echo Charles.
New Episode: Robert T. Kiyosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of the best-selling financial books in history. It tells the story of a boy with two fathers, one rich, one poor, to help you develop the mindset and financial knowledge you need to build a life of wealth and freedom. The two dads are a parable for two different approaches to wealth: Poor Dad recommends getting a secure job with good benefits and retiring with a pension. Rich Dad recommends amassing assets that make money for you, becoming financially literate, and practicing independent thinking.
In his book, learn how to achieve financial independence, why it’s a terrible idea to see your home as your biggest investment, and how to overcome the biggest mental blocks to becoming wealthy.
New Episode: Napoleon Hill: Think And Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?" The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself.
The most famous of all teachers of success spent "a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort" to produce the "Law of Success" philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized in this one. Napoleon said his philosophy can help people succeed in any line of work, to do and be anything they can imagine.
New Episode: Jim Collins: Good To Great
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't is a management book by Jim C. Collins that describes how companies transition from being good companies to great companies, and how most companies fail to make the transition. The book (buy on Amazon) was a bestseller, selling four million copies and going far beyond the traditional audience of business books.
Collins identified several key characteristics in companies that made the leap from good to great.
Collins found that the main reason certain companies become great is they narrowly focus the company’s resources on their field of key competence.
Habits: How To Create Good Daily Habits
Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our fourth Moonshots Master episode, and here we are breaking down the fundamentals of HABITS.
Beginning our journey we hear from the powerhouse of habits, Charles Duhigg, and get inspired to master our own behaviours. We then hear from the GOAT himself, Tom Brady, and how he continues to be at the top of his game through habitual design. We’ll also hear from Tim Ferriss and his findings through a lifetime of researching the perfect way to start your morning.
Fully inspired, let’s get into understanding habitual thinking with Daniel Kahneman, who encourages us to control our fast and slow thinking. Stephen Covey - the absolute master of habits - helps us understand to cultivate self-mastery. Finally, James Clear reveals an experiment that teaches us to celebrate the process and systems of progress, rather than the end-goal.
Closing our deep-dive into habits, we hear from Charles Duhigg on how we can create habits by altering our behaviour. We also dig into Robin Sharma’s three phases of building habits. And closing out the show we hear from Stephen Covey again, who reveals that the trick to building good habits is to focus on continuous improvements, every single day.
New Episode: Ryan Holiday: Courage Is Calling
Ryan Holiday’s first book of an exciting new series on the virtues of ancient philosophy explores the most foundational virtue of all: Courage.
In Courage Is Calling (buy on Amazon), Ryan Holiday breaks down the elements of fear, an expression of cowardice, the elements of courage, an expression of bravery, and lastly, the elements of heroism, an expression of valor. Through engaging stories about historic and contemporary leaders, including Charles De Gaulle, Florence Nightingale, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Holiday shows you how to conquer fear and practice courage in your daily life.
In a world in which fear runs rampant—when people would rather stand on the sidelines than speak out against injustice, go along with convention than bet on themselves, and turn a blind eye to the realities of modern life—we need courage more than ever.
Ryan Holidays Courage is Calling, Fortune Favours the Brave Reviews
Next week we’re excited to be diving into Courage is Calling, Fortune Favours the Brave, Ryan Holidays latest book!
In a world in which fear runs rampant—when people would rather stand on the sidelines than speak out against injustice, go along with convention than bet on themselves, and turn a blind eye to the realities of modern life—we need courage more than ever.
We all know fear; Ryan Holiday takes us on a journey of how overcoming fear can help us reach our potential.
So what better way to celebrate courage than to take a look at what others have to say about Courage is Calling and how Ryan Holiday and his books are helping them on their journeys.
New Episode: Ross Edgley: The Art of Resilience
Bestselling author and award-winning adventurer Ross Edgley has been studying the art of resilience for years, applying all he has learned to become the first person in history to swim around Great Britain, breaking multiple world records. Now Ross focuses on mental strength, stoicism, and the training needed to create an unbreakable body. In The Art of Resilience (buy on Amazon), Ross uses his amazing endurance feats, where he managed to overcome seemingly insurmountable pain, hardship, and adversity, to study the performance of military, fitness specialists, and psychologists to uncover the secrets of mental fitness and explore the concept of resilience, persistence, valor and a disciplined mindset in overcoming adversity.
This groundbreaking book represents a paradigm shift in what we thought the human body and mind were capable of and will give you a blueprint to become a tougher, more resilient, and ultimately better human – whatever the challenge you face.
What we learnt on the Frank Lloyd Wright podcast
Frank Lloyd Wright has been called the greatest American architect of all time. His career began at the turn of the century and he worked at designing buildings his entire adult life, all the way until his death in 1959, at age 91. There is much to learn from him.
New Episode: Eric Greitens: Resilience, Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life
Why do we hurt, feel self-doubt and constantly struggle throughout life? What does it take to overcome all the obstacles? The bottom line is that hardship is a part of life, but only by facing up to it and learning to tackle all of life’s challenges will we achieve our full potential. So how do you do that? With resilience.
Author Eric Greitens, in his correspondence with fellow Navy SEAL veteran Zach, wrote his book; Resilience, Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life (Purchase on Amazon), where he tries to find the qualities, practices, and training needed to become resilient against the harder parts of life. His search took him through history, philosophy, and beyond. Ultimately, it seems the ancient struggle we face as humans has a solution that’s equally ancient.
New Episode: Angela Duckworth: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth is the world’s leading academic in the study of grit: something she defines as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Is success all talent? What do successful people have that allows them to achieve their goals? The book Grit (buy on Amazon), teaches us that success is not all talent. To have talent is an essential factor and it will give you the edge over others who don't, but more importantly, you need the grit to see things through.
"Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint." - Angela Duckworth
Most effective leadership styles for business success
At Moonshots we delve into the tools and frameworks of successful businesses, leaders, and entrepreneurs. Today we want to explore their leadership styles and the impact on the businesses they manage. From Reed Hastings, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to Vince Lombardi. At its core, leadership is about setting a direction for an organization and its people. We highlight some of the benefits of each style of leadership, including some examples of well-known people who we believe best embodies that style.
New Episode: Carol S. Dweck: Mindset, The New Psychology of Success
In Episode 145, we revisit Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Available on Amazon) is a self-help book by Carol Dweck, designed to help you understand and change a fundamental mindset to impact all aspects of your life and reach your full potential. Why do some people fall apart in face of setbacks, while others turn their failures into success? Why are some people obsessed with proving themselves, while others can laugh at and learn from their mistakes? The key difference is in their mindset.
"It’s not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest." C.D
Master Series: Episode 03 - Teamwork Trailer
Hello listeners! In our third Moonshots Master episode, we provide a comprehensive breakdown of TEAMWORK.
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First up, we find inspiration in our quest for great teamwork! We hear from the master, Grant Cardone, and how nobody starts anything successful by themselves. We then bathe in Patrick Lencioni’s passion for teamwork, and how it is the greatest competitive advantage. We also delve into Google’s enormous research program, Project Aristotle, on teamwork and why some teams are successful.
Now we’re inspired, we get into team behaviors. We listen to Simon Sinek on how anyone can be a leader, before digging deeply into Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a team.
We close the show by learning about the design and strategy of good teamwork. We learn about Dr Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles and responsibilities breakdown, and Bruce Tuckman's Form, Storm, Norm, Perform, before closing out with Tyler Waye’s belief in the value of perseverance and how good teams stick together.
New Episode: John Cleese: Creativity, A Short and Cheerful Guide
Creativity is usually regarded as a mysterious, rare gift that only a few possess. John Cleese begs to differ, in his practical and often very amusing book; Creativity; A short and cheerful guide (buy on Amazon) he shows it's a skill that anyone can acquire. Drawing on his lifelong experience as a writer, he shares his insights into the nature of the creative process and offers advice on how to get your own inventive juices flowing.
John Cleese believes everyone can be more creative, and in this guide, he shows us how to become more creative, overcome blocks, and how to refine and action a promising idea.
“Creativity is the ability to come up with a better way to do anything." - John Cleese
Reed Hastings Leadership Style
Reed Hastings is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Netflix.
Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix with Marc Randolph in 1998. He wanted to create an entertainment company but in a way that it would not lose its entrepreneurial spirit along the way.
Netflix grew rapidly and its new management techniques got a lot of attention. The employees were paid higher salaries than in the market. Hastings, as his book No Rules Rules, explains introduced many new policies that were previously not implemented anywhere else.
New Episode: Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic
Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic: Whether we are looking to write a book, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion. In Big Magic, Elizabeth has written as a template; lessons in how to unleash your creativity.
She digs deep to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. She offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear.
Elizabeth Gilbert is best known for publishing the international bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, which was turned into a movie with Julia Roberts. Eat, Pray, Love is Gilbert’s memoir of the year she spent traveling the world, where she found her spirituality in India and ultimately fell in love again in Bali. Big Magic, discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us.