Moonshots Podcast: Learning Out Loud

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Managing People

Hello members and subscribers! The tenth Moonshots Master episode is here and we are diving into Leadership and Managing People!

To get us inspired towards the topic of Managing People we start with the Moonshots Master himself, Simon Sinek, who tells us about his first job after college, and the importance of empathy. We then hear from the motivational powerhouse, Tony Robbins, who suggests that in order to lead - rather than manage - you need to be able to read your team first. The Apple leader, Steve Jobs, then discusses what made Apple so good at managing people, and how you have to be run by ideas, not hierarchy.

We learn from Seth Godin that leaders must take responsibility, and inspire teams without using fear. Author and personal development trainer Brendon Burchard encourages us to be patient, and keep humanity the focus of collaboration and management, even when dealing with frustrating people. Simon Sinek closes this section by breaking down the meaning behind ‘Leaders Eat Last'.

Closing the Master Series show we hear from Simon Sinek once more, as he explains how to build relationships that inspire change, and how mentorship is like friendship.